Συνέδρια / Ημερίδες
- RAFAELO procedure presentation meeting, Iaso Thessaly Hospital, Larisa, Greece, 17/06/20
- 1st Pan-Hellenic Congress of Coloproctology, Athens, Greece, 23-25/01/20
- International Anal Fistula Masterclass , The ICENI Centre, Colchester General Hospital, UK, 15/11/2018
- 26th European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons International Congress, London, UK, 30/05-01/06/2018
- Upper & Lower Gastrointestinal Cancer Away Day, Essex, UK, 18/05/2018
- Dilemmas & Debates in Colorectal Surgery, London, UK, 07-08/12/2017
- 1st International Workshop for Managing Bowel Function after Cancer Treatment, Pellican Centre Foundation, Basingstoke, UK, 01/11/2017
- European Society of Coloproctology 12th Annual and Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 20-22/09/2017
- 11th London Surgical Symposium, London, UK, 07/09/2017
- Safer Surgery – Glasgow Surgical Week, Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Glasgow, Scotland, 04/05/2017
- MDU Seminar on Coroner’s Inquests, Queen’s Hospital, UK, 07/04/2017
- 30th Pan-Hellenic Conference of Surgery & International Surgical Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece, 09-12/11/2016
- Skin Cancer Matters,16/06/2015, BMA , London , UK
- The 2nd London International Thyroid Forum, London , UK, 13/06/2015
- Dilemmas and Debate in Colorectal Surgery, Great Hall & Safra Lecture Theatre, the Strand Campus, King’s College, London, UK, 12-13/12/2014
- Alpine Liver & Pancreatic Surgery Meeting , Campiglio, Italy, 30/01-03/02/2013.
- 8th Scientific Meeting of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, Ioannina, Greece, 4-6-/11/2011.
- 3rd Symposium – Annual Multidisciplinary Medical Promising Days, Athens, Greece, 8-9/04/2011.
- 27th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Surgery – International Surgical Forum 2010, Athens, Greece, 24-27/11/2010.
- Symposium of Initial Assessment and Treatment of the multi-trauma patient, Livadia, Greece, 23-24/07/2010.
- 10th Pan-Hellenic Meeting of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, Alexandroupoli, Greece, 14-15/05/2010.
- 7th Biennial Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-24/04/2010.
- 2nd Symposium- Annual Multidisciplinary Medical Promising Days, Athens, Greece, 16-17/04/2010.
- Educational Workshop Modern Views on the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Colorectal Cancer, Kammena Vourla, Greece, 6/03/2010.
- 3rd Pan-Hellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Surgery of Large Bowel and Anus, Athens, Greece, 15-17/05/2009
- 11th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Surgical Infections, Ioannina, Greece, 20-22/11/2009.
- 4th Pan-Hellenic Hernia Congress, Athens, Greece, 27-29/11/2009.
- Scientific Workshop (with International participation) – Newer Developments on the Molecular Biology and Surgery of the Colon Cancer, Athens, Greece, 4/04/2009.
- 12th Annual Workshop and Post-graduate Course on Breast Cancer (Documentation of Treatment Decisions), Athens, Greece, 17/10/2009.
- 8th Medical Workshop of Laconia (Up-to-date Medical Issues), Limeni-Itilo-Laconia, Greece, 7/11/2009.
- 1st Symposium- Annual Multidisciplinary Medical Promising Days, Athens, Greece, 10-11/04/2009.
- 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Thessaloniki-Chalkidiki, Greece, 20-24/09/2008.
- 26th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum 2008, Athens, Greece, 12-15/11/2008.
- Treatment of Hepatic Metastases of Large Bowel Cancer Symposium, Athens, Greece,3-4/10/2008.
- 2nd International Expert’s Meeting on Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, Athens, Greece, 20-22/06/2008.
- 3rd Pan-Hellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Digestive Surgery, Athens, Greece, 4-6/04/2008.
- Scientific Anniversary Workshop of the Hellenic Surgical Society, Athens, Greece, 03/06/2008.
- 10th Pan-Hellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Endocrine Glands Surgery , Athens, Greece,23-25/11/2007.
- 8th Congress of the Surgical Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece,18-21/10/2007.
- 2nd Pan-Hellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Surgery of Large Bowel and Anus, Ioannina, Greece,10-12/05/2007.
- 2nd Pan-Hellenic congress and International Forum (Greek College of Surgeons), Athens, Greece,26-28/04/2007.
- 29th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Athens, Greece, 6-9/05/2007.
- 25th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum 2006, Athens, Greece, 22-26/11/2006
- 3rd Pan-Hellenic Hernia Congress (hernias, synthetic grafts, problems-complications) , Thessaloniki, Greece,10-12/03/2006.
- 1st Scientific Event of the Pan-Ipirotic Medical Society (Respiratory Infections), Ioannina, Greece,15/01/2005
- 3rd International Workshop of Obesity, Corfu, Greece, 25/10/2003.
- Multidisciplinary Scientific Workshop, Corfu, Greece, 12/04/2003.
- Scientific Symposium: Multifactor approach of the cardiovascular risk : a challenge for the future. Ioannina, Greece, 31-1/11/2003